Deep Self Care
Jan 12, 2022
A Meditation for Self-Care
Put your hand on your heart and set an intention to LOVE YOURSELF by breathing comfortably for you and repeating each statement:
I am made of LOVE
I am deeply loved by the good energy in the universe
I will honor myself as I honor others
I will have deep compassion for myself
I am worthy of love and honor
I was specifically designed with gifts for my purpose in the universe
I have gifts inside me that I may not yet be aware of
I am open to learning about the special talents and gifts of myself
I have gifts that I can use in service to this world
I can be confident that whatever my purpose here, I can follow through
I am full of power and love
I will honor my own power
I will learn to love myself well
I will commit to spending time with myself each day
I will honor myself with my inside self-talk and practice speaking lovingly and kindly to myself
I will honor myself with my practice of re-parenting or me-parenting
I will vow to commitment to me
My vow will be my priority to me
My vow to me is more important that my vow to another
I vow to never intentionally harm myself by betraying myself
I will be trustworthy to myself and to my parts
I will be open to love and joy
I will clear my energy of negativity towards myself each day through my practice
I will commit to healing all my past and present pain
I am able to heal even though I may feel now that it seems impossible
I will have my own back at all times
I will move away from people who criticize me or put me down
I will attract people who love themselves and honor me
I am able to have the life I want
I can always choose to love me
I can always choose to change my mind
I am safe always
I can ask for what I need everyday
I can ask for what I want everyday
I will listen when I ask
I belong to me always
I am enough always
I have everything I need
I will develop my faith muscle for myself
I will train my mind to focus on loving myself
I am worthy
I am me in the fullness of me