Healing Your Chakras
Jan 12, 2022
What are chakras? Chakras are energy centers located in our bodies. Healing your chakras can be a really simple and cleansing experience! The chakras can tell us a great deal about things we may want or need to address. Below is a list of the chakras, where they are located in the body, and finally, what to look at in each one on a regular basis.
I do this weekly with myself in my morning quiet time, and it really helps me to examine what events happened the past week that may have closed or partially closed that specific energy center in my body. Our bodies are very closely connected to our minds and our hearts and spirits. Meaning, we can get sick when we aren’t monitoring our chakras and their meanings. This is a great way to start caring for yourself more deeply! Self-care on steroids LOL. Take a few minutes to consider each chakra and their meanings…and notice if anything inside you could use some writing time, meditation time, or healing time. Your energy (and you) will feel much lighter after!
Root Chakra: Red
(located at the base of your spine)
Divine Healing Intelligence, please assist me in gently releasing any deep feelings of fear, shame, insecurity, shock, or any other painful patterns stored in my root chakra. Help me improve my current relationships, attract abundance, and increase my self-esteem, and allow me to experience deep joy and satisfaction in every area of my life. Thank you!
Sacral Chakra: Orange
(located under your navel)
Divine Healing Intelligence, please assist me to gently release any feelings of guilt, fear, sorrow, worry, blame, powerlessness, anger, and any other painful patterns that are stored in my sacral chakra. Strengthen my inner power, resilience, creative abilities, and belief in myself. Allow me to become friends with my feelings and to listen to my inner guidance. Thank you!
Solar Plexus Chakra: Yellow
(located just above your naval)
Divine Healing Intelligence, please assist me to gently release any judgments, low self-esteem, resentment, victimhood, confusion, power issues, control issues, and any other painful patterns that are stored in my solar plexus chakra. Increase in intuitive abilities and assist me to trust in the Divine Intelligence that is guiding my life. Help me become more independent, empowered, clear and successful. Thank you!
Heart Chakra: Green
(located at your heart)
Divine Healing Intelligence, please assist me to gently release any feelings of loneliness, anger, resentment, grief, loss heartache, depression, and any other painful patterns that are stored in my heart chakra. Awaken my passion, enthusiasm, and zest for life. Allow me to attract and experience the deepest, most loving, fulfilling, compassionate relationships. Thank you!
Throat Chakra: Blue
Divine Healing Intelligence, please assist me to gently release any self-criticism, fear, inability to express myself, low self-worth, guilt, suppression, and any other painful patterns that are stored in my throat chakra. Help me to become more honest with myself and others about my desires and intentions. Give me confidence to clearly express myself and skillfully communicate with others. Allow my greatest desires to flow into my life, at perfect moments and in perfect ways. Thank you!
Third Eye Chakra: Indigo
(between your eyes)
Divine Healing Intelligence, please help me gently release any internal confusion, imbalance, lack of direction, frustration, limitation, fear, stress, resistance and any other painful patterns that are stored in my third eye chakra. Help me to open my third eye and increase my intuitive ability. Inspire me to listen to my intuition and follow my Divine Guidance and inspiration. Allow me to live my life from a truthful, balanced, joyful, spiritual perspective. Thank you!
Crown Chakra: White or Violet
(Above your head)
Divine Healing Intelligence, please help me to release any stress, exhaustion, disconnection from my Divinity, fear, worry, confusion, depression, loss of direction, and any other painful patterns that are stored in my crown chakra. Help me to bolster my immune system and cleanse my nervous system. Give me access to higher understanding and ability to see a bigger picture. Deepen my connection with the Divine and allow me to experience higher states of consciousness. Awaken my love, compassion and kindness toward myself and others. Thank you!